[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

Wow iso function is now on mobile

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Just killer class wouldn’t uniquely determine knight though.

If they claim their pre conversion class they can get claimvigged.

I’m going to put you as backup since you’re relatively new which wouldn’t work to test out new things like this. Sorry about that. :slight_smile:

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Sounds weird.


ok thats fine, but how does an inq kill a starting scum. No scum is gonna claim their actual role

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They lynch them.

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Wait ok I been thinking they had to specifically kill them with their night action, that makes this a bit easier. On theri flip does it mention if someone is heathen

No, it does not.

Will the Inquisitor know they were heathen?

SO far I really like this class especially since you have to play both sides

One last one off the top of my head, but BD defeated scum and NK does game still go on with inq alive or do they lose

Also keep in mind that I’m not forcibly rolling Inquisitor, so it is going to be around 1/5th chance (barring weird unique neutrals vs non unique neutrals math) one spawns.

They lose.

There is also no logs however, soooo yes this was perfectly well designed to be put in the same EFoL. Huehuehueheueh


Does the Inquisitor learn the class of said Heathen, if they find that a player is Heathen?

How exactly does this interact with tailors?

People here will HC for no reason, so if you don’t fakeclaim then you’re going to be PoE’d down by the Inquisitor hunting heathens or evils hunting Prince.

Im suspecting by the wording it gets the accurate class and just tells you yes this was the heahen you were looking for even if the scorned made them appear as the EK or something

Yes! Finally the opportunity to beat my record of getting killed as Prince by BD on D2 and N1


No, they do not.

That was mainly in place, so that they cannot find Mastermind pre night 4 and possibly any other tailors that I did not check.

oh I cant read. it says does not bypass

If they don’t get the class of the specific Heathens, then does it matter if they bypass tailoring?

Does this mean that an Inq who has a Heathen Mastermind will find them as non-Heathen if they use Interrogate? will they find a CL heathen as non-Heathen if there was a Ritualist who used Brotherhood on them?