[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

having less time=developing new meta to counter-act metareads

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@Alice as well

also I was scumread for not inactivity when there are people who havent posted

You guys are literally psychopaths.

You want to test something by letting someone die.

But fine, whatever.

I’ll let you play your stupid game.

The hardest choices require the strongest wills

Found it, it was FoL 19.5. Cupcake was the Mastermind and H_Hja was the Assassin. Do we think H_Hja would try that strategy again?


Arete, don’t bring up points like this.

An event happened during FoL 19.5 and this that included Hja.

We barely know the new Hja’s strats so I assume they would not try this again.

I’m not necessarily accusing H_Hja in particular – half of why I brought it up is to point out that Unseen bleeding the King D1 is in fact a thing that is known to have happened, and doesn’t necessarily imply signalling.

Its a dumb move. What if she bleeds out and is actually EK? Then scum killed a powerful ally.


I know that 6 hours aren’t really few but blame rl.

Oh, I’m dumb then.

But why do you think that Priestess is town?

My reads are sort of messy rn

I will fix them up soon and answer this soon.

Btw @DatBird are you here yet?

It’s impossible to read you and you are starting to follow your scumeta so…

Arete: I want your theory on why evils bled Priestess.

Well, first of all, she’s Priestess, so to a certain extent we have to assume that things that would be scumtells don’t necessarily indicate that Priestess is dumb. After that, she seems to be one of the people more oriented towards actually solving the game, as well as trying to get people not to make the various bad decisions we collectively keep making (e.g. open-claiming on D1). Though I’d like to see more from her in terms of reads, her motivation overall seems to be fairly BD.

I’m not totally sure how the bleed claim affects this read.

Also, uh, disclaimer that in FoL 23 I managed to read the starting Assassin, starting Mastermind, and Fool as BD, and convince myself that the Prince was scum, and continue to believe this after she literally outed as Prince. Basically what I’m saying is that you shouldn’t make plans that remotely rely on my read on Priestess being correct.


While I’m working on my reads:

What do we think of the Soul/Priestess interaction? I think it was T v T since I’m really not reading any of the 2 as scum rn, but I’m not very good at making interaction reads.

At least you read me correctly that game :smiley:

Btw. can you guys look into the push on me? Obviously I’m gonna be biased considering it, so if you could go and try to deduce something from it, that would be great.

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