I mean, if I’m just listing every remotely reasonable possibility I can think of:
- Priestess is EK trying to signal to evils that she’s EK. I don’t think this is likely, because I don’t think she would do something that’s considered an ‘obvious EK’ tell so early when evils are unlikely to kill her anyways (due to people scumreading her).
1A. Priestess is EK who scumread Magnus and is hoping to “prove” him by letting him heal her bleed. This one has enough dependencies that it seems unlikely.
1B. Priestess is EK hoping to draw healers off of important BD targets. Given the number of potential other protectives, this one also seems pretty unlikely.
- Evils are trying to frame Priestess by bleeding her so that people will think she’s faking bleed. This one also seems unlikely, since several people were already scumreading her, but if they have some reason to want her out – for instance, one of the starting evils is Royal Blood, and they want a king who knows who the other evils are – they might go with it, anticipating that people will find the bleed claim suspicious and want to heal her.
2A. Evils are trying to draw healers off of important BD targets. Given how quickly we jumped to ‘just let her bleed out,’ this one also seems unlikely, but it could be a failure to mold the thread consensus.
2B. Evils are either in her list of scumreads and panicking, or trying to frame someone in said list. (These are both things common in ToL.)
- Priestess wasn’t bled by the Cultseen. This could indicate a bleed by a Demon, particularly a Demon going for PK, or just going for getting the king out. I checked the Hunter classcard and it’s possible a Hunter could bleed the king here? They can’t in ToL, but the FoL classcard doesn’t say either way. Said Hunter shouldn’t claim it today if so, because they won’t be able to bear tonight, but they should claim it tomorrow.
Of these, I think the ‘demon who wants PK’ theory and the ‘Cultseen who wants definitely-Evil King who knows who the other evils are’ are both fairly plausible. It might be worth noting who steps up in a couple days, if indeed Priestess is dead.