[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

My primary thought right now is that trying to type from a phone is really annoying.

I strongly suspect there’s at least one scum in Kape and Magnus, but that they almost certainly aren’t groupscum together.

The call for a CFD onto an inactive is kind of weird, I’d like to take a closer look once I’m at my laptop.

I want to believe Magnus is BD… but his defence isn’t exactly strong.

Actually, what if Priestess was bled to frame Magnus?

I do have a slight scumread on Frost right now. If he’s the lynch and Magnus is the jail, I’d have no qualms with that.

Why does there need to be a reason Priestess was bled? What if it’s just to cause confusion and make us overthink things and redirect us away from what we should be thinking about?

Because it’s generally a bad bleed.

that doesn’t respond to my question

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Why would it be bad to bleed King d1? All healers are alive currently so even if it’s evil king there isn’t any downside apart from causing confusion if it’s randomly put for no valid reason.

Furthermore if it is good king then shade can be thrown on Priestess to be a potential fake bleed.
There doesn’t need to be a reason to bleed Priestess here. It’s a good choice either way.

Well as I said before to me it makes more sense that he offered heal to bleed claim by default

King will not, and should not, ever get a heal on a D1 bleed claim. If its both a real bleed and an EK, groupscum done goofed.

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/vote Frostwolf

why him

If Frost is gonna be the lynch, I want it confirmed that Magnus is jailed so we can check him for kill potential. Once I get that confirmation ill take my vote off him.

how do you want to get confirmation by prince outing?

Night plan is good enough.

I actually agree with the scumread on SogMan. He’s standing out to me as the most scum currently.

No that’s for frost

Oh. Well I agree with myself. I think SogMan should be put under close watch. :eyes:

I had a Scum game with a new player named Minho who effectively outted me and him by making a comment like this.

Was Sogman here for the king bleed?