[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

I’m legitimately curious if N3 should return King (but neutral) or Psycho King. I know you get King (but in purple) when you interrogate your elected Heathen EK, but I’ve never personally interrogated a poss jumped kinged heathen.

Well certain neutrals have an easier time as their goals are aligned. I’d probably say two Alchemists or two Sellswords/Warlocks would be most problematic. But yes a Sellsword and Warlock combination is possible. The uniqueness lowers their odds however.

You see, its null to a point

With logs gone, we wont know who people target n1/n2 for example if they died one of those nights and didnt claim.

It can give less info to BD, which is much better for scum

i can see where your coming from with it, but yea, its Null/potentially scum sided.

What Cities

Detroit, St Louis, Chicago?

I am pretty sure it will return King in white. But could be wrong as I don’t remember seeing this interaction.

It’s most definitely scum-sided if it is imbalanced. That is pretty certain to me tbh.

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I forgot about the logs as well. That ruins a lot of fun things with possessor

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Philadelphia/Camden, they arent as worse as though but its rather crazy some days

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BD loses a lot of information from missing logs.
4 starting scum + Neutrals.

I don’t see this ending well.



Tbh, this is now mountainous role madness.

That’s true, but they were also recently buffed and simultaneously no logs is more scumsided and they can misconstrue softs as they could previously misconstrue logs.

it would take a miracle for bd to win based on the setup alone.

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As far as I can tell, BD basically needs to get the D1 lynch perfect to win.

Butlers should probably poison the king here at the soonest opportunity if they think the odds of them being evil are remotely decent.

This is a setup that doesn’t look bad on paper but it looks awful in practice.

@solic are you a betting man and if so I want to bet

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Butler insta suicides on GK.


this looks alot more scum sided tbh.

or dont?
To me, this game is instantly unwinnable if ek spawns. Not worth the risk of gk.

Yep. And EK is two votes, with three more from starting evils if they don’t have a convert who can do vote manipulation.


We have to run this setup now to see what happens. This is an idea where I can see it going both ways but i see it more going towards being scum sided.

It’s really needed for experimentation

…honestly, ‘if it’s EK it’s an autoloss anyway’ is a fair point here.