[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins


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If not allowed then


I’d allow anyone to spectate. :stuck_out_tongue:

And how close does it need to be in order to be considered linked? And what if it is over more than 1 post?

If in one post someone claims to have killed someone. And in another post he claims to be BD and then a physician says he’s not an Archer, Prince or Hunter, can I RE him as inquisitor for being a heathen Knight?

And what about mystic? If someone claims to the mystic who then outs that they did this in a link, can I use that post as a claim? And if so what if the Mystic was lying about the claim but happened to say their actual class anyways?

I almost think the optimal N1 play here as NK is to kill one of your scumreads, just so you have a chance of stopping Cultseen from getting majority.

Mystic is an unique BD class as is Priest. Confirmability is one of their strengths, so they are exempt from being to be able to be claimvigged.

So which one is more imbalanced in this setup: Cult or Unseen?

Claim NK d2 as you are literally villa’s only chance of winning

Unseen since they have more bullshit

prob cult, dont think unseen can grow past 3, while cult can go to 4, unless im mistaken

CL with the Quad erad by n2 tho.

Cult since if you have even one starting Apostle, BD is pretty much screwed.

Erad works differently here.

There’s no erad.
They only kill one

No but like:

If I as a sheriff am linked by the Mystic and claim to her. And the Mystic then says that “Nuclearburrito claimed sheriff” with telepathy. Can the Inquisitor claimvig me?

Ah, nevermind that then.

Acolyte + Acolyte + Warlock
Oh god oh fuck

I did say post(s) in the classcard. And posting someone’s whole ISO is obviously not legal either, but these are things we will likely discover as we go along.

Don’t know how a Physician would find that out? But you have to say your claim. I’m sure there are a billion ways in which players can attempt to bypass this mechanic and I don’t have 100% foolproof guidelines, so hopefully this game could shed light on what they could be. I’ll take any suggestions though and for this game I’ll give it the good ol host interpretation.

If you’re not okay with that level of “host bias”, don’t sign up for the game I suppose. :confused:

It’s experimental after all. :wink:

This list of claimvig proof includes Prince right, please

Yes, Prince cannot be a heathen.