[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

I’m checking some mechanical things in the class card thread before I evaluate that.

Sog is Apostle, discuss.

Their slot softed Pala way early. I didn’t trust it so tried to megabrain him into claiming Princess.
He’s most likely coached Apostle and was going to claim MW on Dat later.

You mean mind warp? Why would I claim that when paladin doesnt even have that

You would claim Mindwarped once Dat dropped non-cult due to your Paladin soft.

Now hold on, you claim to have role fished me because you didnt trust the paladin soft. When you very clearly said you didnt know about the soft yesterday

Okay, as far as I can tell none of the Cult alts have any sort of day disguising ability.

The most plausible outcome to me is the one where Sogman actually is Scorned/Fool, and that slot either got lucky with the game type or had a backup plan (or wasn’t trying to soft specifically paladin). I don’t think Kai would out Sogman as S/S when doing so would immediately, upon Sog’s flip, reveal both Kai and Datbird as Cult. The check on Sog still seems kinda weird but Kai’s reaction was very natural.

From Sog’s repeated requests to be lynched, it feels like they’re more likely Fool pushing a townread than Scorned, since (a) Scorned would autolose from getting lynched here (b) getting lynched here as Fool and flipping Pally would absolutely mess up our deduction here. The most frustrating thing about this is that we can’t even hang Sog or Dat to resolve it, because we can expect either flip to be likely altered.

For the absolute moon theory, there’s ‘Kai is Seeker-or-something, Dat is CL, Alice WoM’d Dat such that Dat would appear BD, Kai therefore knows Sog is lying’ but, uh, I called that a moon theory for a reason.

I read the thread. I know what was said and wasn’t.

I asked for the lynch because I already laid all my evidence on the table and nobody still believed me

Before I go into this rabid hole. Is mindwarp a thing on the forums?

Rabbit* lmao.


dont think so

Just skimmed the class card thread again, and it looks like a no.

@DatBird Sogman claims Sheriff with an Unseen check on you, how do you respond?

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Also now that we know that mind warp isnt a thing, why would I suicide like this

Inb4 he claims Paladin with a sus check on Eevee :^)


Clearing Possessed for cult but still can be Reaper.

Lol did someone really try this again after last game.

Sorry got a life, but yeah im more here now

When did I cast sus on you, all I remember interacting with you from yesterday was asking if the Twi claim was a meme or not

Well Im not unseen, and a cult flipped

holy shit can we stop with these shitty reaction tests>