[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

If wazza doesnt sweat not to heal me then thatd be your only option to know about how fake dat and kai are

That I understand, lets just hope evils cant get the advantage by then

Which is why Kai can also be fool that makes themselves appear as Princess which ‘clears’ a cultist and gets the ‘fool appearing paladin’ to be killed. Correct?


Very true.

Right now I believe Kai over Sog but we COULD be mistaken.

Are you defending Sogman?
Because Sogman clearly lied and has several discrepancies in his words.

Why tho?

The way Kai presented his lead was just too genuine to feel like a Fool trying to save Dat.


We aren’t lynching sog today we will just keep going in circles.

we need a bd killer apart from prince to kill them.

Not at all. I’m just giving possibilities that we cannot overlook. Someone could also have evidence that the theory could be correct as well.


He has a point Hja. What if its a cover-up? Id think that way if I was Kai playing as an NE; discredit a redcheck.

Rit is a thing unfortunately.

I’d also love you to highlight to discrepencies. Enlighten us, thou amazinth priestess.

Point those out and ill correct them

The problem is that wazza will probably heal me

Kape you make a good point but I doubt we will have another rit it’s a 1/5 chance

Top Reads:

No but for serious, atm I have Kape, Arete, Possessed, and Kai as my top town reads. I also think Priestess is rather fine so far.

Null wise: We pretty much have most people not mentioned

Scum wise: Well other than Sog, right now Im not entirely sure for now.

I kinda want to do ISOs on Sulit, Astand, and KyoDaz, because other than Sulit pinging me I cant remember much from them so I want to make some more solid reads to flesh out the list.


cs gets swapped and doesn’t count as a kill I don’t know about archer

Hunter needs to bleed sog. if we have one

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He could also do that if he wasnt And Why would it have to be cover up?


Didn’t say it had to be, just that its a pretty good option for a scum sided neut.