[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

“This ability only works if target player claimed to be one of the starting heathen classes and are that particular heathen and otherwise has no effect.”

So if I Interrogate a Heathen I still cannot stab him?

I don’t have answers to scenario’s that require 6 of the same class to have flipped tbh.

Nope, not unless they claim.


If filled then /spectate

Every idea needs to be poked ten times to make sure it works tbh

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Then his win con seems extremely difficult to accomplish.

Wait can dual acolyte with EK and Warlock actually lose if NK outs day 2?

That’s just the simplest method I can think of for 100% proving that someone is not a specific class.

Or better yet. If they go on to say that they are not a chronomancer.

Or if the Prince confirms that they initially claimed a non-chronomancer BD

only 10? Clearly you aren’t working hard enough.

It must be painfully stabbed with the sharpest spear we have at least 50 times before we can be even a little sure.

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Not with the current massclaiming meta. :smile:

If it needs a buff, we buff it. It’s experimental.

Can we add a clause that says that if you’re obviously attempting to game the system by technically not claiming a class, but it’s obvious that’s what you’re doing, it still counts as a claim?

(‘I claim either Paladin or Sheriff’ in a confirmed cult game, ‘I claim Physician or Mystic’ when the Mystic is outed and confirmed as such, that sort of thing)

Just claim Sheriff as Paladin and Paladin as Sheriff to game the system.

I’m not physician. By the way 4 was killed by a neutral.

(‘I claim Chronomancer or Knight, here are my logs for if I’m a chrono, I don’t have logs for if I’m a knight’)


Day 2 carnage and reveal it more obnoxiously than carnage has ever been revealed before.

D1 now


If i was nk i would claim carnage
To avert suspicion.


Just claim NK.