[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

Top Town: Possessed and HJ. Possessed has been generally VERY townie in my eyes, and HJ is probably a noble. I don’t think a scum would interefere in a TvN like she did.

Top Scum: this is tough but i’m going with astand, they’ve been popping in and out rather oddly so I find that odd. I also don’t have a good gut feel about Frost.

Also reminder: Arete shouldn’t be let out of null dont @ me

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No I’m not

Kape, don’t stop someone in making more mistakes :wink:

Yes I do now, but as I said youre only leans. I was asked to list 2

So were not going to get any real info from a Sog/Dat lynch. Kai could also potentially flip Fool. What’s the optimal lynch here?

So why did you check Dat and not either of us?

Also yes. Scorned can disguise lynches. It is a two use ability.

@Ami :upside_down_face:

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ily2 :kissing_heart:

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Fuck flip switches are bastard asf change my mind

What I meant was youre both townleans here, but I was stil asked to list 2 so there you are. I already explained why dat over both of you

why wouldn’t you have your supposed red check in your top scums?

is it because your scorned and have him as your mark :thinking:

Probably because I said “outside the thunderdome.”

He spesifically said out side the dome, dont try to make me look bad

You said that D2. Not D1.

fuck i shouldn’t read shit high

Night kill one of them is a option I guess it could be worth jaling it because we know one of the four has to be cult/nk and the second Scorned/Fool/SS/War or Cult/Nk.

Then again we run high risks of losing executes.

The flip switches are the exact reason we can’t lynch inside the thunderdome today. We have to lynch outside of the thunderdome and hope that Arete doesn’t get occupied/redirected and is telling the truth. However I’m quite stuck with who should be the canditate to be executed outside of the thunderdome.