[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

I consider this fair, but id like to point out that the theres a reason in the quote

This is my tone when dealing with confirmed scum in general, slightly asshole-ish

Sorry the english is a little broken, no coffee yet. Also @Frostwolf103 id really like if you anwsered my question

So you know that you can’t be framed and such. Sweet.

You are saying I am Invoker since I occupied Possessed.

In fact he will be grateful he is cleared for PoE

Oh you claimed butler? Sorry about that then, as I said no time to read yet


Because it means Alice did in fact visit KyoDaz and if she is used for Blood of Mithras then it means Possessed can’t be Cult Leader

Who said he was? What?

No one did, it’s follow up of my action.

But you understand now Possessed can’t be cult right?

Yes? Hes been in my townreads since d1

Dunno if this is a smart thing to say because the people that are after me like horny dogs will probably use this against me, but if I was actually a scorned I absolutely wouldnt have made the play of outing a fake red check straight away

So was kyo visited by alice or not e.e

If you trust sulit to be legit, yes.

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Do you trust sulit to be legit?

I don’t have anything to disprove him, so I would assume he is legit.

Unless he’s doing it to distract us from the Kai/ Sog/ Dat/ Hja thing…

He would be shot if that’s the case.

asdfghjkllkjhgtrfedwsswdefghjkl;kmjynhgfdcsxazsxdfghjkl;l <- me when no one reponds to me

I literally quoted the answer…