[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins


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bruh moment


I just realized you aren’t letting SogMan in because he is new. I’m new to FoL. Veteran to ToL.


I would love to but I know I just wuoldn’t be able to keep my interest if I’m not involved.






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Probably you should be

Only 3 more. ^^

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What if
Random Blue Dragon / Random Unseen / Random Cult / Random Neutral Non-Killer
instead of guaranteed 3rd scum?


Hm, I almost wonder if it benefits the Inq to just open-claim, given that they’ll have 1-2 starting evil heathens, and unless said heathens correctly guess somehow which are the options for the BD heathens, interrogation will identify them pretty easily as scum.

Like, at that point I’d honestly expect the Inq to be running into more trouble from Cultseen than BD, at least given this particular setup.

Statistically, it’s not likely they will have 2 starting evils as heathens however.

Plus it can be fakeclaimed as it’s not confirmable aside from knowing if it’s Cult or Unseen and it could obviously lie about what heathens they’d have as they would benefit from other classes thinking it is safe to claim.

I’ll state again that it is not guaranteed to spawn.

I know they are backups for being new… but technically if they were allowed to join, the game would fill

(Yes I know I’m being impatient)


/enter the fray

If I am just going be a backup you can go ahead and remove me.

/in, but maybe actually low effort this time, just for testing purposes.

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I think it’s full.