[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

okay here are Alice’s actions
Will of Mithras (Day) - Make a Cult Member appear as selected BD class to investigations this night. - 1 use

Will of Mithras literally can’t be used on anyone else other than a fellow cult

Arcane Empower (Day) - In addition to its normal effects, your target this night will bypass immunities (does not count for conversion) and be guaranteed to succeed with their actions. Their investigative abilities will always receive correct results. - 2 Uses

Why would Alice use this on someone other than cult?

Strength Of Corax (Night) - The Cult Leader’s Blood of Mithras will bypass night immunity tonight. - 1 use

This isn’t an action you can target someone with

Ice Ward (Night) - Prevent anyone else from visiting your target. - 2 uses

Why would Alice use this on kyo?

The things that can happen imo is that Alice was disguised and she used something else on Kyo, she was redirected to Kyo, or Kyo is scum.

But Kyo apparently is not scum


Ok so what move of hers that she flipped with attacked Prince. If I remember correctly she had CW alt cult. I dont know the cult versions to well so what move did Alice attack him with. And if it was Poss attack is that how the interaction works I honestly dont know. And why would the NK say who they made kill prince. Plus we dont have a TK claiming the protect

So she likely no actioned or visited someone else.

I would say it’s pretty obvious on who the TK is.

I want to make a list of claimed night actions and people who haven’t claimed anything one second

Is it? I’m not following but sure. Did they claim that guard though

They did not claim the guard, but they were softing it.

On kyo, they were specifically softing on kyo

I mean, you were checked as Cult and I don’t really know if I should give you that info or not :eyes:
You can bring up the S/S flirt on the Paladin… but who knows if that is even real.

No knight or hunter has come forward about it though.

We have a Drunk and Butler claim active who could be Invokers, also a suspected Poss.
Would the Knight out in such a situation?

That really doesnt matter Im trying to figure out these scumreads, the kyo one that like five people jumped on makes no sense, I see no world where people think that was scum based on Alice going to Kyo, unless Im missing something, the sulit one makes a tiny bit more sense if that soft is true, but the fact you wont tll me if they softed to guard Kyo specifically idk if I can trust it without a doubt

If a knight guarded HTM, or someone that’s pretty gamesolving info.

The Knight was on Kyo.

I find it increasingly interesting how sulit only decided to give us that information after we settled we weren’t lynching inside thunderdome. Sounds like he isn’t aligned to anybody inside dome.

Or Knight guarding Kyo exactly

Ok then a Poss seems very likely, does that mean Suit is one hundred percent the Possessor, no. He could have just saw the interaction happen. So either he really screwed himself over by trying a Obs fake claim as Possessor, or he saw Alice get pulled into the knight guard.

Why would we want our Knight to out right now if they do exist.

Couldn’t possess have been used on Alice to make her appear Ritualist?

" Possess (Night) - Kill the target player. Their class will appear as one of your choice, and they will have information in their logbook of your choosing (or no logbook if nothing is specified). You will know what class they truly were, and what their logbook said. - 3 uses"

well supposedly they were softing it