[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

Can I just

Get something straight

Not that big brain because one occupy throws the entire plan off. Could start a chain reaction of mislynches.

I’m being lynched

Instead of a confirmed cult member

For reacting wrong to a reaction test

That no one else has looked at

Guys can like Invests stay away from em for 1 night next game, like cmon I cant really improve my scum game if it gets shortened everytime

:man_shrugging: Hey man they are just following the cycle

everytiem i cri

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at least it isnt as bad as that magnus lynch, that was heartbreaking to watch

how was it heartbreaking

cult don’t have hearts they sacrificed them to the cookie god

The cookie god had to refund them since all he had was raisins, but dont worry current BD players hes picking up some new ones tonight, and I heard they have Chocolate in them

Quick and dirty attempt at associative reading of Dat (I cut out all the Magnus stuff because Magnus is dead):

Slight buddying with Kape here, ‘is it Unseen or Cult game’ is basically the least alignment-indicative way to gamesolve and townreading Kape off of it is weird.

Frost is probably not starting Invoker? I think? help I’m bad at associative reads

IIRC Dat usually puts at least one scumbuddy in his townreads, but at this point he had already been outed by Sog so there starts to be a little more WifoM (modulo Kai). Me, Kape, and Possessed are all somewhat suspicious for this reason (I basically trust Kai’s Scorned claim).

Sulit, Astand, and Hja are moderately less likely to be cult (because they were Dat’s choice for a lynch), but it could be distancing.

uh okay so I think what I’m getting from this is that associative reading is harder than it looks

But it does seem moderately plausible that Kape is Cult here, who disguised Alice, and is now using that to bolster his Knight claim and also get Sulit mislynched for wrong results. It would also explain why he’s so insistent on jailing Dat, rather than exeing Dat today – if he knows Dat is non-CL Cult, he can semi-guarantee that Cult gets the convert off tonight.

@Kape why are you S/I?

It’s also possible for Possessor game to puppet strings and change flip on Alice who is starter cult leader???

why were u jailed and shouldnt know this knowledge huh :eyes:

can everyone that’s voting me for kapes redirecting claim unvote

And if you’re still voting me after that can you explain why

/vote Sulit
for bussing purposes, :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d say ‘reaction tests: they’re a thing’ but at this point it’s pretty obvious that you’re just trying to mess up said RT.

You big fat stinky cheese you


Hey man once im in Lolbearing mode, I cant stop

hey dat who do you hate the most

Oh u know who

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