[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

Also nah I think you guys already know the answer.

Even if Alice was debbed, she visited the targetting she was poss stringed in to.

Especially since you are Butler claim…

Oh and I know how whatshisface survived

Yeah a Neutral that sold me out for like 0 dollar and no chance to get a marked target killed

Wait, Kai’s Neutral?
What Neutral is he?
What did he do?

im a cheap sonofabitch

He outed as Scorned and disguised Sog as Scorned.

He Scar’d my Mufasa


Dude, I was Scar in the Lion King play from Year 6.

Do you really think I care?


Kai claims Scorned who disguised Sog as Scorned N1.

I don’t believe him.

and i sold out dat xoxo

Sorry Kai, I don’t believe you.

dont tell them plz

you realize 2 nuets can roll.

Yeah I do.

But I already know who the second one is, that’s the problem we have.

the second one is me you doink


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