[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

@anon97870008 u devout?

@DatBird yw i made sure you weren’t jailed

demon or sorc? also holy fuck

Okay so um
@anon97870008 if you’re devout out now and I’ll side with you.

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Thnx bud

We’d have majority with Cult then.

i tried to make up for it
however /vote Dat

So uhh…

sorry guys. Guess I’m siding Cult if Priestess is Devout King so uhh, just a warning.

also expect Kai’s Funeral soonTM

This is horrible

Cult are going to win if we dont do something quick!

vote dat


Cult are going to win.

Kai just side cult and u honorary winner

Also Kape did CS someone.

I Healed them last night

that hammer was horrible, this is the exact previous fol repeated but with cult lmao


i had a big brain play idea which involved marking you and getting you lynched

reminder:i should not come up with ideas high

Well it ain’t working u winner in my books if u side cult

So Dat, since you have majority already, who are your cultmates?

Rip town

We lost (I think)