[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

Rule 1 of FoL: Never heal Kings who bleed D1.

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That reasoning is weird tbh.

I even told u, I’m honest to the bone

Why it was even a discussion is beyond me lmao

I should have payed more attention to how many votes I had

And it got Magnus lynched. He took the bait.

Rate my scum game

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Stop being found n1.



I’m trying

Ty that’s passing

I dont know tbh

You were inactive for basically most of D1(cant really rate that) and got invested N1

I like that you don’t try to hide it much after outted Dat lmao. So far its worked for you 2 out of two times

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uh rate my big brains sogman disguise go

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I shoulda pushed on this.
However, making notes on mistakes is helping me learn. Need to push more things rather than leave them in my mind. I believe the fact I was Prince made me think I’d be able to deal with my reads myself.

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Yeah Otakon was great, got me an old game that I been searching for


id rate it a broken marriage out of ten

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He tried hiding it and then Kai spilled the beans.

Dat should’ve been the lynch, but we just decided to let Prince do it…

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Oh no not Projared