[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

Yes, Jeremy Renner says it to Alec Baldwin in Mission Impossible 5.

The Glomar response.

One point I saw here and which makes no sense at all…
Why is the CS of a Knight redirectable? The CS should be canceled then.
I’m confused.

It’s a gambit if ur going to use it u gotta be certain that its gonna hit who u want that’s why u stay quiet about being a knight

No I mean… normally it gets canceled.
Why does it not get canceled here??

Cause hes not redirect immune, other than that idk

If a knight CS’s someone and gets redirected, the knight “chooses to not attack his target.”

If it just quits that’s really safe and overall imo not fun, not only is there no way to counter that other than rb from the scum side, but it just means that wow scum could have wasted a limited use ability just to have it not help them at all. Like if it just stopped knights would be extremely busted cause right now the worrying part about them is if u cs, you may die if u hit bd or if ur redirected. If u get rid of that they just become the tk that only kills town when they want to and not when scum wants to. Idk theres counterplay in there for a reason.

We haven’t changed knight here

Slashing Up In The Stars! - Execution of Arete

Arete looks around, noticing that they had been voted up. The Blue Dragon gritting their teeth in horror while the King Priestess smirks with a mighty grin. Dat looks at Arete and gives a maniacal laughter as he pulls out a vile of blood and throws it at Arete, it hits him on the head, dazing him as Dat charges at him and knocks him into a hole.

Arete is falling down and falling down they are, as they fall they land into a rocket ship underground. The rocketship turns itself upwards and begins flying up into the sky until suddenly, it turns itself around and starts digging down into the earths ground. It spins and spins fast and continues to dig as it goes deeper and deeper.

As it reaches the hot magma of the burning core, the windshield has multiple scratches over it and a demon shows up, grinning they slash and slash at the windshield, trying to break it. Until finally, as their grin widened. They performed one final slash, bursting open the windshield and everyone watched as Arete was engulfed in lava.

(No Permission to write this, I got bored while waiting to go to the beach)

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do you know how panicked I was thinking I was in a different topic of an ongoing game on accident


@Arete RIP I’m so sorry >.>

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I know that feeling

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This reads so wrong.



It’s the same panic feeling you get when you accidentally like a post in a different game

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When you’re the same class in 2 different games and you have 2 different fakeclaims and then all of a sudden you switch them by mistake

Now imagine being blue dragon and having two different classes and you accidentally switch them around

You can’t claim that it was because you got your class confused from a different game

wazza should be a host slave, his execution bits are good

I literally am in Newbie Forum of Lies 4