[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

Accused Voters Votes
SoulShade55r Priestess :crown: 2/9

Majority is 9 with 17 players alive by the way.

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…Why would a BD king want to be poisoned? If you’re GK and you get poisoned D2, we’re losing two BD and very likely dooming our faction.

Then again, I’m not really sure why an EK would want to be poisoned either.

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I think it’s better for ek then GK because they could get lucky with no butler in game.

Not saying priestess is ek but I do highly suspect them right now

Lol, you are right. I would vote myself here if it would be possible in FoL

On the other hand, scum tend to be more focused on survival than BD are. Not sure whether this would still apply in the case of the king.

…Am I misreading this post, or did Priestess just out as EK? I feel like I have to be misreading it, that doesn’t seem like something she’d do D1, but I could be wrong.

It makes no sense for BD king because it results in two deaths

But if priestess was backed into a coner as ek they could say just let butler posion me, to hopefully stall.

1/2 chance butler is a thing.

It was sarcasm about this fake argument of Soulshade ^^

But priestess isn’t exactly back into a coner here

It makes no sense either way but It makes slightly more sense as EK then GK.

Also I advise everyone to be careful with votes we need to make full use of our time

So you are suggesting we shouldn’t vote at all? That we should be passive (which you explicitely said, we shouldn’t be)? Or is that your reaction of me voting you :eyes:

Hecking 180 turn here.

uh what? I’m saying be careful with voting we have no trials

Serially you sound more evil each post

*Seriously <-- auto correct

So your reaction is completely omgus. Sweet. Try again.

How is it Omgus?

I said we should be careful when voting because I don’t want people misslynched I want to use the full day.