[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

I think I’ve been mostly consistent but whatever.

Can you explain us how or how not you are consistent?

ok i’m popping off again as my food just came. me like ihop

Accused Voters Votes
SoulShade55r Kai_5 1/9

what the fuck?

I’m fucking out and about, i’m having breakfast at ihop lol

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Votes me and calls me inconsistent and goes and gets food

Go with the popular thoughts and arguments because you lack any thoughts and just want to be a sheep

Soul, answer my question please.

i’m sorry i’m going through a break up and would like some food to comfort me


When have I been inconsistent?

I get that


I don’t even know how any of my posts have been inconsistent in the first place.

Then explain us why your posts are consistent.

If you have some quotes that are inconsistent then sure.

I’ve made my point on most things and not really just said otherwise.

You said you are sure you are consistent. So please, tell us why you think so.

Because I don’t remember doing anything inconsistent?

This is fun

@Soulshade55r why are you scum?

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I’m not :I

I was asking when have I been inconsistent if you have nothing to back yourself with your argument then I don’t want to take you seriously