[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

It was intended as a reaction test.

bad reaction test

If you have any suggestions for how to improve the quality of my reaction tests, I’m happy to hear them.

Don’t steal them from me

Did you even read them? I said something in my first post before I stopped.

generally saying some is closer to lynch than they actually are is not gonna get much. I’m not good at reaction tests so don’t ask me for advice

FM rule number 1 don’t soft day 1


How did I miss this :eyes:


(Also I did read them, blame quickreading)

Eh, it’s not like I’m a person that being targeted by scum often anyways.

By the way, I’m serious about that essay. I’m really looking forward to see those.

Uhuh, until then /vote Possessed @Solic
Hello, is anyone home?


Holy hell I missed a lot of posts. Quick summary? I’m not gonna be active the next few days btw…this game started on my weekend.

Whoa there partner what’s that for

Accused Voters Votes
Kape H_Hja, Soulshade55r, AreteSlashStars 3/9
Kai_5 Priestess :crown: 2/9
Possessed Twil1ight 1/9
1 Like

I’m not looking at my card once today.

Then go and look at it…

No!! I want to be a townie or even a townie scum. Consider all actions here as Pure.

You know, that’s kinda really bad if you are town, and you are hurting us with that?

What if I’m scum tho? I could be helping your chances.

We had this shit with Htm already. I guess we have to go back to letting people confirm in their classcard.