[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

Please answer :slight_smile:

I’m not voting Arete because of the post.

What’s your opinion on them currently? What are you reading them as?

I haven’t read yet. Otherwise i’d have a dozen theories running through my head and this page.

Get back to me once you read the thread then :slight_smile:

Okay. tomorrow

Hey I’m new-ish! I do apologize though; I want to participate and make reads, but I’ve been busy and at 1000+ posts its hard to determine gamestate. I wouldn’t be salty if you guys lynched/night vigged me but ill try to participate more on D2 when I don’t have to slog through arguments to make reads.

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To be fair, the game started at post 500 or so

Would you rather be Princed, Arrowed, or CS’d.


500 posts is still hella intimidating. Give me one or two people to ISO and ill do that, my liege.

And real life called, it said “Come eat dinner!” BRB

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Whatever wouldn’t cause a fellow BD to lose their abilities. So I guess probably lynched

I have to eat too :wave:

You Europeans and your dinners at breakfast time :rofl::upside_down_face:

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Jeez, if SoulShade is low hanging fruit then Magnus is a beggar that is being disturbed by tax collector. And that person happens to owe me something. Get out of here scum. :point_right: :door:

/vote Kape @Solic

What makes you scumread me?

Or someone who went to collage, learned about medicine, became a life saving physician.

Accused Voters Votes
Kape H_Hja, Soulshade55r, AreteSlashStars, Twil1ight 4/9
Kai_5 Magnus 1/9
Magnus Kape, Priestess :crown: 3/9

I have a better question. What’s up with that opportunistic vote on Magnus?

Me starting a push on someone is opportunistic?
On someone whom I was scumreading?