[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

Quicklynching is bad actually

Accused Voters Votes
Kape H_Hja, Soulshade55r, Twil1ight 3/9
Kai_5 Magnus 1/9
Magnus Kape, Possessed, WazzaAzza, Frostwolf103, Kai_5 5/9
Twil1ight Priestess :crown: 2/9

at least i can say someone had the funny meme number as their vote for a time

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Magnus is still gonna be my lynch vote, but I agree with Arete here.


Anyway I really need to go

I’ll come back in a few hours

Looking for a replacement.

@Ozzkozz, @SogMan still interested?

Others are welcome to replace in too.


From context, she’s clearly not actually claiming EK.


As much as I don’t want to say it, not healing Priestess from her bleed will solve her slot with close to no drawback…


It’ll solve her slot and could solve other things, since if she lives by D3 we can find her reads and build off them.


A GK who is bleeding knowing she isn’t getting heals will attempt to gamesolve and will push justly.

An EK who faked a bleed claim will try to hard push BD to make progress for wolfteam before EK is exposed.

Look for the progression in her game and find out who she reads scum/town.


I didn’t claim to be EK? As far as I know…

My Guide can read.

You’re cruel >.>

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Since the thread isn’t really moving:

  • Who are your top two townreads and your top two scumreads at the moment?
  • GTH, if you had to pick someone right now to lynch, who would it be?

Priestess And kape

He said two scumreads, not one.

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Priestess And kape are two different people

Top Town:Soul (LHF, we’ve been over this) and I’m liking Possessed this game
Top Scum:Magnus (Claims immediately for zero reason, scummy vote), for a second scum I’m not sure. Everyone here excluding Magnus has been null or townie.

We lynch magnus, shitty entrance, hard claiming for no reason, oppurnistic vote on me when Astand voted me

They are the same person, what do you mean?


has ozz come before me?