[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

My top town read aka Soul then.

this was actually

hi kai and welcome to short giraffes

I would pick Sulitz They’re generally doing analysis over information which is a good indication of actual townie scumhunting. As scum will try to look as if they’re scum hunting while in reality they’re pushing their agenda by doing IIoA(? think that’s the right acronym)

you people have so many fancy long acronyms i cant find the meaning of anywhere

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what does short giraffe mean help

What do you make of Kape so far? He’s one of the top wagons right now, and I’m curious what you think of his Iso.

IIoA = Information Instead of Analysis

You can find a more complete list on one of the Mafia wikis.


I dont really know at the moment, but giraffes are pretty cool so you should be proud

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Honestly I would never make obvious convert target convert immune, they are just too obvious, so scum will prolly not convert them. (Obvi people = high town read people)

I’d rather go and protect people who are are get townread but not by much, they are more likely to get converted imo.

I’ll play if you still need the replacement. Let me know.

hard agree, giraffes are p near

Whats the wagon on magnus based on?

him claiming phys

and him generally doing a shit job of defending himself

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anyways i’ll be out the rest of the night. I’ll still pop on butdint exoect good fleshed our posts

In particular, he had a generally mediocre progression, then hardclaimed phys for relatively little reason (not much pressure was on him at that point), then when people pressured him about it his primary defense was that he had already claimed. A couple people also speculated that in conjunction with Priestess’s bleed claim, he’s trying to buy himself time while he “heals” her.



Doesn’t Magnus usually have weird progression?

I haven’t played enough with him in particular to know. I’m still learning people’s individual metas, besides common-knowledge things like ‘Alice is a strong player’ and that sort of thing.

@Magnus what was your last town/scum game so I can check meta?

Accused Voters Votes
Kape H_Hja, Soulshade55r, Twil1ight 3/9
Kai_5 Magnus 1/9
Magnus Kape, WazzaAzza, Frostwolf103, Kai_5 4/9
Twil1ight Priestess :crown: 2/9
Frostwolf103 sulit 1/9
Currently Abstaining Players DatBird, Alice, AreteSlashStars, Geyde, Possessed, Htm, Astand 7/17

Day 1 will last for a maximum of 1 day, 9 hours, and 8 minutes longer, or until majority is reached.