[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

You won’t see a tonal change next time either since I won’t be caring if I die or not :stuck_out_tongue:

King is basically a fool. They don’t need to survive to win, they just gotta put their team in good position.

This interaction kiiiiiiinda reminds me of what happened between me and Firekitten in Ritual Mafia 2.

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What was the result of that?

Did she interact directly with accusations that game or just stated that she isn’t evil because in her town game you mentioned she seemed to do both but here she only does latter

Before he was kind of an eh-ish wolf player who could just be perfectly read based on the associations with his partners.

After I told him that he needs to be more fluid and less awkward around his partners and gave him examples on his awkwardness in that match, then he basically became one of the strongest wolves on this site.

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Well see how it goes next time I roll actual scum. Today is not that day :smile:

Anyhow, we can move past Priestess.

I doubt Priestess would claim bled d1 as starting king.
The bleed is most certainly real. Even if she’s bled it also doesn’t mean she can’t be evil.
I don’t believe a huge bd power role is outed either so what would be the point in fakeclaiming bled? The only motive I could think of would be to direct healers away from a good bd pr but this also would stop the evil faction from bleeding or she’s be caught.

She just did

*fake claim bleed

To signal evils she is EK

If we are to assume she’s GK based on her previous scum game, who would be the bleeder?

Inexperienced player?
A player who likes to gamble?
Someone who knows wed immediately see that as scummy albeit an experienced player?

magnus claiming phys and buying time by supposedly healing priestesses bleed?

Why would magnus claim phys to buy time? It’s not like he was going to get lynched or was really getting pressured yet.

Then she could be easily found by a physician. Why would she risk that? It could also confirm a BD physician which is pretty much massive.

I actually still think she is EK I looked her past game and alice’s Point doesn’t hold there at least from what I saw

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Phys doesn’t have feedback

Oh. My opinion may be changed then. It is very possible that Priestess can be EK then.

puts you in towncore