[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

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Why did you dodge my question?

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As much as you trust anyone else to claim BD.

Why would anyone do this, this just condemns them in two days

Yes people can change their opinions and they can change them fast, but this was hella fast. And with the ISO format I’m not really sure what changed his opinion so fast. Just gonna keep this is in mind for later

What question?



:man_shrugging:, I’m tired, I can read them all later when I’m not cramped in a car, I just dont got the energy for it now

Why would I suddenly get bussed if I was safe from getting exed?
You are overthinking what I did.
Arguably, it wasn’t a great play. I thought it will be… it wasn’t.

And you still sniped the only post mentioning you?

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Cause it was quoted and I get notifications about quotes, like I’m also reading the recent messages it’s not like I’m just not reading anything, just like the posts I missed between when I was trying to catch up and when I got on recently

I think scumz likely taking a backseat in this and trying to shy away from big discussion

Soul (wherever tf he is)

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Maybe not Priestess though

Who do you feel feels the most scummy/likely person to do this out of these people?


I highly advise against this please, this was talked about once with HTM and I think it was determined it can be considered throwing. Especially if ur an role like Sheriff or Prince who have day 1 actions that are vital. Or just not working with ur scumteam is just not fun for the other members

:sheep:. I just dont see the logic but its Magnus

Well if ur shrugging that you dont do it, try a game where you dont and you will be able to prove urself in things like being towny or reads instead

Hard disagree but I have had this same convo multiple games, not gonna fight it again. Just do reads if u want people to see where ur at

Think this is just usual Magnus play imo, would just classify this as town for now. Would love some reads but I dont expect any since he almost never does. RIP Chaos Town Magnus, he really pushed hard that game but havent seen the same spirit since

For context, my opinionsä changed because he was role fishing me and pointed out a soft that the person who I replaced said at the start of the game

Was it just a meme inquisitor thing that Twi posted, cuz I dont remember it

Sorry, was playing Pathfinder, didn’t want to stay away :eyes:

Why do you think you were bled?

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