FoL Feedback Thread

but i have no idea

Official Forum of Lies Changes

General Changes

  • The potential maximum number of non-unique blue dragon classes has been raised from two to three.
  • Votes to elect a new king are now done in your rolecard privately. If the votes result in a tie, no king will be elected and another election will take place the following day. All players have 24 hours to vote. Royal blood has been changed to the following

Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes for you to become king count twice.

  • All instances of ā€˜Poison Immunityā€™ have been removed from rolecards, as they are irrelevant now that the Assassin bleeds.

The Good King

  • Number of guards increased from 3 to 4.
  • Debt has been removed, in itā€™s place we have added Swear Fealty.

Swear Fealty (Night) - Choose a player. They will become permanently immune to conversion. - 1 use

Physician and Herbalist

  • Both classes have recieved a new day ability, Exhume. It can also be taken as a cult alt as a cult physician or starting ritualist.

Exhume (Day) - At the end of the night, learn what classes killed a player, or if they committed suicide. - 2 uses

The Sheriff

  • Scout has been updated, instead of telling you when a player is converted, you will now be told whenever a member of the unseen successfully visits them.

The Knight

  • A new passive has been added.

Armored (Passive) - Your first successful Defend will not kill you.

  • In addition to this, Cold Steel will now attack your target even if they are blue dragon.

The Alchemist

  • The Alchemist has been reworked.

The Alchemist
Neutral Support
Coagulate (Passive) - You are immune to bleeding.
Extract Essence (Day) - Cause a player to bleed. If that player is blue dragon, you will gain an extra use of Crimson Potion. - 2 uses.
Crimson Potion (Night) - Heal a player, preventing their death and curing any poison or bleeding. Can target yourself. - 2 uses
Emerald Potion (Night) - Kill a player. - 1 use
Your objective is to survive.

  • **Note, these changes are highly experimental and we are likely to see many more Alchemist changes over the coming weeks. Possibly even itā€™s removal if no middle ground can be reached.

The Fool

  • Poor Fellow reworked - instead of removing his accuserā€™s votes, he instead removes the votes of anyone voting execute or abstaining during his execution.
  • Hide updated to grant death immunity instead of preventing visitors.

The Electrocutioner

  • Discharge no longer announces before it is about to happen.
  • ā€œChargeā€ now clarifies that you cannot charge yourself.

New class is still being worked on, in addition to alch / druid discussions

but these changes should address a lot of criticisms and requests for now


also we renamed Sacrifice to Defend


This makes the Alchemists FoL Canon pretty terrifying

well my edgy alchemist lore has been canon in ToL for a while now so in a FoL context it makes sense :^)


Potion me father

my god i didnā€™t realize Ashe was the one who wrote the lore for Alch

Can i get your autograph pls

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Some additional changes


  • Telepathy now sends an anonymous message to a single player, rather than the courtroom.


  • Extract Essence doesnā€™t tell you whether or not you gained a charge until the start of the night.
  • Extract Essenceā€™s bleed must be successful in order to gain the charge. (No farming stacks off of Physicians.)

Does this work even if redirected?



Not sure how I feel about that but okay

Itā€™s to increase the penalty for cold steeling without knowing someone is evil

However they got armored to compensate

Iā€™m fine with that just donā€™t know about the redirected part.

Iā€™m fine since armors there tho

Also telepathy isnā€™t useless now yay

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Just add sorcerer

It also further helps to kill mass-claiming, especially in Cult games.


I thought mass claiming in cult games is bad due to cult Alts

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Why not at end of the night?