FoL Feedback Thread

You don’t remember Moon Spirit?



Hmm I was reading the GK class card and it appears that the gk after a starting king receives sf. So wouldn’t the bd just exploit it where they kill a king d2 and then have king sf night 2. And then have 2 sf targets

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Yeah definitely think SW should be for starting king only or like assasin 2 for 1 where the uses carry over from king to king

no, it’s starting king only
just forgot to include that in the card


Well that is your fault

u rite

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hell no.

Are you ever going to change sellsword and or merc. :thinking:

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No because the ones in ToL are shit tbh


Sellsword is alright tbf

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I think sellsword though would be a good addition

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But you would have to change merc then.

Make a new neutral evil imo


InB4 we change sellsword but not Merc. Meaning that the Merc is just converted into a different Neutral that can also spawn on it’s own.

What if we made a third faction that does nothing different but we instead make converted merc sellsword without a s


Mercsword for the win

I propose this Alchemist:

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Why do you ever want to heal someone? WHEN YOU GIVE MORE BENIFITS TO BEING LYNCHED, and stone skin is too little.


So that Alchs don’t out themselves obviously

this way, they have to actually play the game and lie

Livicus that’s stupid thinking, why do you want to heal someone when they want to kill you so badly, you provide more benifits dead then alive.

But don’t you want Alchemist to actually play the game?