FoL Feedback Thread

Potential 2 KP :eyes:

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Obviously it can be scaled down if need be.

If its too strong, Brain Destruction can be disabled if you use Mindstorm successfully.

moderator error lmao
itā€™s perfect

@Marluxion your opinion on a claim vig NK?

IMO, the class should be renamed Mind Flayer.

Gotcha :wink:

Doesnā€™t discourage people from mass claiming any more than reaper, possessor and electro already do

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The claim vig cannot be protected from.

So if you claim, you die. Unless you let it have the 2 KPN, then it will really discourage people from claiming.

Yes but mass claiming early on in a game is pointless as nothing is 100% provable besides mystic, prince and sheriff/pally

Mystic is only confirmable to 1 person really, and even that can be faked

Awe, hereā€™s hoping to one day having one of my ideas added to FoL :c


Iā€™ve made a new channel in the discord for useful link storage (for ease of access.)

For anyone who canā€™t access that, though -

Thereā€™s this. This clearly shows what abilities can and cannot target the king.

Also Luxy have you tried using browser discord? Doesnā€™t require a download :^)

I donā€™t wanna risk it man, parents check my technology.

Better just to wait for 1.5 yrs and play on the forums instead of disappearing for 1.5yrs right?

People would miss me anyway. :stuck_out_tongue:

Learning how to clear your browsing history properly is a valuable tool

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Marl parents love you.


I use that skill for other things I mean what.

Also, all my technology is in a public place etc, meaning its easy to get caught.

Thatā€™s quite unbecoming of you Dad

I mean parents love that you are giving people advice on how to disobey them