FoL Feedback Thread

Imo we should lean in the direction of Priest nerf and less so on Squire buff


Squire’s flexibility makes up for it not being able to use it’s abilities immediately imo

I still think we should do both.

Give Squire the Priests secondarys and let the Priest only keep call the dead and revive

Because the Squire as a whole is just worse than revive. So if we want to keep both classes then Squire needs to be buffed

Squire isn’t unique

Hunter is also a strictly better Knight pretty much

Knight has protective capabilities and is faster. Hunter is overall more useful but not strictly better

Squire on the other hand is literally just as worse Priest

I’d argue Hunter is strictly better

Bear -> lets you protect yourself (aka confirmed BD) and kills bypasses immunity if you are attacked (defend doesn’t)

Wolf is also a risk free cs at the cost of waiting

oh wait squire is also unique


what if
we remove one of squire or priest


Cowards way out

if by coward, you mean innovator

it opens up another slot for a new unique blue dragon

even if we balance the power they fill the same niche

We don’t have a limited number of class slots

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Yeah but we don’t need two squires
They do the same thing

Hold on a sec. This is easy.

Make revive turn the revived player into a citizen

Absolutely no

Why not?

Citizens have no place here

Even if you dont start as one imo