FoL Feedback Thread

But it’s perfect. It removes the one part of the ability that Squire does

Yeah but why not just remove priest (and all dead interaction) instead

Because that’s a bit of an extreme reaction to the problem of Priest being better than Squre

There are other problems with priest though


Does anyone actually find dead interaction desirable or fun is the real question


It’s genius! Just give Mystic call the dead instead and let Physician resurrect people as “death knights”

Totally original and has 0 flaws

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Or we could just remove the abilities entirely :thinking: and make a new class

You say we dont have a limited number of slots but we kinda do if we want to keep the game approachable for new players

Or make even another BD class

I do

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Because it’s fun to talk to people not in the thread. As well, people have a tendency to miss things and then the dead point it out.

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I’m OK with the Priest losing revival Power, as long as it gets something cool to do instead.

More uses of Soul bind and another ability?

I was thinking of like maybe being able to use one ability of each dead player once at night excluding Killer Classes, but the ‘channelled’ player gets the night results :thinking:

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That’s what I was thinking as well tbh

However I would put that on a cooldown

Well, you can only use each corpse once :thinking:

oh okay nvm

Still want more uses of soulbind tbh and if you ass that it’s golden

100% with marl