FoL Feedback Thread

Imo, i do think Priest is just insanely strong, and just outclasses Squire in that niche completly, while being able to give death immunity and talk to the dead.

So, im not opposed to removing priest, but in exchange making Squire non unique and giving them 1-shot immunity.


Has someone suggested Priest lose COTD if they ressurrect?

Squire would be a great fakeclaim as you could create a second one on the go if it weren’t unique.

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actually not a bad trade off

use resurrect and lose ctd

and I think Squire would be better being non-unique

Actually resurrect is always better then COTD

yes but keeping cotd after resurrect is even more OP

Non-unique squire with a one shot self death immunity sounds good to me, if they are non-unique with no death immunity it increases the variance of setups as <1 squire hurts town.

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Not really, I love COTD and I want it more then revive get rid of revive

fair point

maybe Priest could become a Social class?

An infinite giving death immunity with COTD.

*cant target self

New Priest

Passive-Call of the dead-You can speak to the dead AT ALL TIMES
Night Ability 1-Make someone immune to death tonight-Infinite Uses

How about

we make priest lose death immunity and have a one-shot ability to talk to someone alive when they die
and remove ressurrect
and change it’s name to medium :clap:


how about we make priest


no die plz jokes

It’s a ToS Joke


because in ToS, the Mediums are non-unique so they can confirm each other

Were you even a TOS transplant to ToL?

I was

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