FoL Feedback Thread

okay in all seriousness you’ll all understand the secret behind Druid’s replacement soon
sooooo get hyped and in the meantime discuss stuff I guess

So we need a new BD class guys

Someone work on that and start suggesting ideas

Yea, lets not Nerf Maid/Priest cuz why we should…

In order to replace the druid, we need your help!

(Plus an extra prize for the winner.)

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Marl you know people are just going to spam ideas for the prize right?

Also I am 99% they will regret this

Only Forum of Lies community members can submit classes. Read the rules :wink:


What rules? :eyes:

Inb4 someone submits Druid

click the link on this message

Wait @Alice has like 10 NK ideas

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i have top men working on it right now :^)
(jk i’m not going to submit anything to be judged because I am one of the judges after all)

Marl you are going to regret this

They have a lot of NK ideas

how so? :thinking:

Marl they literally posted 10 NK ideas in 10 mins one day, I wish you the best of luck.

Oh you mean we’re gonna have our work cut out for us
That’s fine honestly

I dont mind looking through 2000 classes so long as they’re all good

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marl isn’t the only judge
and yeah, looking at NKs is fun

I have a idea!

Firekitten as new Neutral Killer inc?