FoL Feedback Thread

I, for one, welcome our Random Overlords.

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Iā€™m in agreement with orange

Maid should get no N0 result because randomness takes away from the other parts

let them start with their own N1 result

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Which is basically the same thing as the current thing because you donā€™t even know who youā€™re getting compared to

Itā€™s fine how it is honestly
it makes 0 difference since the result from the first check hardly matters

Host rands the n0 to a fool and trolls them by giving them a compat check with n1



Regarding the addition of the Chronomancer into FoL -

  • Chronomancer As-Is in ToL
  • Simplified Chronomancer
  • No Chronomancer

0 voters


If it became an issue for people to host Chrono games we could have it be a role hosts could choose to disable for their FoL perhaps

Why would it be hard?

Delays are confusing basically :^)

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What would the simplified version even look like

Iā€™d need moreā€¦ TIMEā€¦ to come up with a simplified versionā€¦

hahaa never gets old.

it got old before it was born


new announcement: marl permabanned :100:


delet this

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ban me senpai

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Worth it if he insists on useless rng


Weā€™re working on it lol

So are you working on pretender as well?


Well other people might be but I forgot :^)

i dont insist sir

We have a prototype pretender that will be tested in Moleā€™s Triple Threat 3

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