FoL Feedback Thread

This one is Good.

Tbh, one of my favorites

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Oh God why

it grows on you throughout the series

I prefer opening 2

You all know this is one of the best anime OP`s

Dont Deny it

Fun Fact: I was at an anime convention with some friends, and this guy was playing anime OP`s on the piano. He wanted us to guess what song he was going to play next, and I got it right. This was the song i guessed.

oh btw Hero Aca Opening 2 is annoying and I donā€™t get why anybody likes it



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Itā€™s almost like this is the cookie thread

I decree anime opening discussion over
until someone makes a different thread for it :^)


First things first; TWO NEW CLASSES!

You'll never guess what they are.

The Chronomancer

Blue Dragon Support
Pocket Dimension (Day) - If you die tonight, delay it for 2 nights. This will delay bleeding in addition to attacks. Deaths delayed this way cannot be redirected with Distort Reality. - 2 uses
Time Warp (Night) - Delays a playerā€™s death for 2 days. This will delay bleeding in addition to attacks. You can prevent a death multiple times. Cannot delay unhealable attacks or suicide. - Infinite uses
Distort Reality (Night) - Redirect a playerā€™s death you prevented with Time Warp to another player. Can be healed and does not bypass death immunity. - Infinite uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts to:

The Timesnatcher

Unseen Support
Rewind (Passive) - If you become an Assassin and have no uses of Two-For-One left, you will regain a charge.
Time Snatch (Night) - Target a bleeding player. Causes the bleeding to speed up and kill them tonight. - 2 uses
Dark Dimension (Night) - Make the Unseen appear not suspicious to investigative abilities. - 2 uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Other changes:


  • New passive:

Sharp Wits (Passive) - The first time you are attacked you will survive it.


  • Devoted passive has been removed.
  • Bind Soul has been changed:

Bind Soul (Day) - Make a player and yourself immune to death tonight. - 1 use


  • Unleash Souls has been removed.
  • New ability:

Expose Weakness (Night) - The target player temporarily loses night immunity if they have it, and can not be healed tonight. - Infinite uses, costs 1 soul to use

  • New passive:

Grave Whispers (Passive) - You can hear the dead at night, but canā€™t speak with them. When a player gains this passive through being converted, the dead will be notified.


  • Call the Dead has a new Cult Alt for converted priests. Costs 1 Cult Point.

Echoes of Corax (Passive) - You can hear the dead at night, but canā€™t speak with them. When a player gains this passive through being converted, the dead will be notified.


  • No longer convertable.
  • No longer has a contract at the start of the game. Instead, on Day 1 they choose their contract.
  • Offer Contract has been changed:

Offer Contract (Day) - You may form a contract with another player during the day (they will not be notified). You must do this for your first contract on day 1, or it will be randomised. - Infinite uses


  • Total Overhaul:
it's a neut now

The Sellsword :shield:

Neutral Offensive
Contracted (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing.
Stonewall (Night) - Prevent non-attack and non-conversion abilities from targeting your target. Can not target the same player two nights in a row. - Infinite uses
Intimidate (Night) - Occupy a player. - Infinite uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon at any cost.

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Well that kinda affects my Sfol pitch :salt:

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I have now usurped marlā€™s ability to post FoL changes



All in all though, like the changes, and im glad we have the Chornomancer now. CW isnt alone anymore.

But you missed some :^)

Why isnā€™t Sellsword Bullet Proof?

Bulletproof Occupier. Sounds Good doesnt it?

Iā€™m on it right now.