FoL Feedback Thread

translation: it gives Servant extra kill power but at the cost of easily confirming them or killing an ally.


We wouldnā€™t add such a drastic change if we at least thought it through. The fact remains that the Unseen need buffs.

Cult Converted Knight


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Oh, so Chromancer was addedā€¦

back to the boring BD wins :sleeping:

This severe nerf is uncalled for gamers rise up


Nope! She has to figure out when and where she succeeds without nofifications

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if we find itā€™s impossible to do as such weā€™ll change it or add an ability that makes Chrono more powerful to compensate.

gamers rise


Not a day ability? :eyes:

Duchess nerf, riot!

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This also looks very strong. Not sure how I feel about that.

Even though Iā€™m glad SOMEBODY actually cared enough to buff Unseen. :roll_eyes:


Spoiler: It was Ashe

Thank her. :clap:

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Donā€™t worry I gotchu :^)

Cult Killer Class when?

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It might happen if we do a cult rework

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Cult Killer
Quā€™est - ce que cā€™est?

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Like why doesnā€™t servant die if king is evil? Seems only in line with the cult and BD variant. I know Unseen is supposed to be stronger, but this seems to push it over the edge.

Pseudo cult killer class when?

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Why u do dis?

Are we forgetting about Cult Chronomancer fyi? :wink: