FoL Feedback Thread

The Possessor:shield:

Neutral Killer
Driven (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and target changing.
Blackened Shield (Passive) - You are immune to death at night.
Face Lift (Day) The next person to be killed by you will appear as a chosen class. - 3 uses across all Possesors
Puppet Strings (Night) - Control a player and force them to kill someone. They will not be notified that they were controlled and will be occupied, unless you caused them to target themself.
Possess (Night) - Use an unhealable attack on a player, if that player would die they will be converted to the Possessor class. You will suicide yourself on a successful attack. You will be able to talk to other Possessors but you wonā€™t be able to talk in the dead chat. - 2 uses across all Possesors.
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.


Can we rework Possesor. Thanks

  • I like the Sam17zā€™s New Poss better
  • Yeah I hate Sam17zā€™s poss the old one is clearl better

0 voters

You should actually host it again tbh. I would be glad to play it

@Kirefitten thoughts?

too much effort tbh

then give Sam the schmuck so he can host it if he wants

gives Sam the schmuck


also fire where did you get the deep cat title

from marl

We beat Ici and Ashe in a game of 4D chess


i would ask what
but you know

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@Marluxion @Ashe 7/7 people like the change I think thatā€™s a green light to change poss

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little did you know
weā€™re playing chinese fucking checkers


@NuclearBurrito why

Also I have a question.
Chill seriously cost 2 souls, just to do that.
Itā€™s kinda a waste of souls if anything should cost one imo. Can we make it 1?

2 words: Neutral Conversions

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are greatish?

thatā€™s 4 words