FoL Feedback Thread

Particularly the “whatever ruin this gamemode” and “ok but infection will have trials” x3
It is not yet, but close to.

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Infection is my SFoL gamemode, mole said to keep trials in mine and I said I would?

Trials let you get better reads because of pressure


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Give King the ability to T-Pose


Pressure is applied by voting people

Why dont we make the king into a dreaming god


I have the tpose emote in game

It is okay for you to have trials in your gamemode. You just said it about three times in answer to when people were talking about removing trials in normal FoL.

Also this post

I didn’t say you were being childlike yet, I just said you were close to.

That was a meme response in response to boppy’s meme post?

I honestly can not understand why people are taking a trump meme so seriously

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How about something like… Decide Fate (execute) (Day ability) - Immediately end the day and execute someone providing - 1) They have votes totalling half majority or higher. 2) You are currently voting them 3) At least one other person votes for the same person after you.

T-Poses to stop this back and forth

You people don’t understand it’s the player that caused the problem, not the king class

It’s useless for BD king to have it.

As though the current version isn’t

No no pls no