FoL Feedback Thread

how tf are there 300 replies what

people have strong opinions about trials apparently lol

but mostly us disagreeing on what decide fate should do :^)

Woo hey thatā€™s me

oh look it is me :stuck_out_tongue:

Your King is good for FoL

Updated version, donā€™t remember exactly what was in SFOL18

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Even without trying to stick my night abilties in

Nah I was never happy with my night abilities

Yeah but we can be more conservative with FoL King. No need for detailed feedback for example

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Anyways DF still needs a change

I had an idea in SFOL18, but iirc that was already discussed here

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DF = Gladiator seems cool

Currently thatā€™s my RF not my DF

Because good luck DF-ing the Prince if itā€™s a gladiator ability.

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We arenā€™t

Fol doesnā€™t equal trials

Conversion literally is lol

There are already trials in tos ect

Town of Salem has vampires

The game isnā€™t designed around vampires

While ours is :slight_smile:

No, trials are of absolute paramount importance, because this site is too thirsty for quicklynches. No wonder the overwhelming support to remove them :eyes:. Youā€™re all scum!

I stand with Luxy.