FoL Feedback Thread

i can’t read likes i’m dense

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i can only read wolves


Then nerf defile to 1 use.

No lol

defile is fun and usable in so many strong ways


I’ll rather defile then confirmation

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Healing members that are not in your faction is only in very rare cases beneficial, so I think it wouldn’t be much of a buff.

I think 3rd unseen converts should typically be able to perfectly match their unconverted counterpart. At one point they will turn into Assassins anyway. This should be a game of scumreading and not mechanics.


False flips are too strong against my confirmation bias. :cry:

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It should be both scumreading and mechanics

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also bringing this up.

Wouldn’t the Noble be prevented from visiting their target?

also minor addition

Pls change Herbalist classtype to Support


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  1. it fits with it’s new main ability - Psuedoside (debatable wherever its defile or psuedo)
  2. princess cant confirm conversion

A new EFoL will be running soon to test out the following changes. Note; These changes aren’t official FoL changes YET.

Let me know if there’s anything game breaking that i’m missing our something that interacts with trials that needs updated.

All Kings

  • Royal Pardon reduced to 1 use, Uses now shared with Royal Execution. Add “This will be publicly announced” to the Royal Pardon tooltip. (it was already announced previously just not put on the card.)
  • Decide Fate changed to:
    "Royal Execution (Day) -Target a player. That player will require 2 less votes to reach majority today. This will be publicly announced. - 1 use, shared with Royal Pardon
  • Head of State Passive Updated to:
    “Head of State (Passive) - Your vote counts as two. This passive is disabled while there are 4 or less players alive.”


  • Pull Rank changed to:
    “Pull Rank (Passive) - Whenever you vote someone else to be king, your vote counts as 2.”
  • Sponsor removed.
  • New Night Ability added in Sponsor’s place
    “Gossip (Night) - Target a player and learn if any and which of these things happens to them tonight. - Infinite Uses
    They were Investigated
    They were Occupied
    Their target was swapped”


  • Replace Anstreim’s Anguish with a new day ability:
    “Eminence of Mithras (Day) - At the end of the day, you will learn who voted for whom during today’s king election. - 2 uses”


  • Removed

You know I’m going to stay awake until you post the sign-up thread for this game :eyes:


it wont be posted until tomorrow night
i want to give people time to remind me if there are any classes that i missed

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/pre-in for eFoL 2

/pre in if possible

also guessing Aristo matches the Noble changes?


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