FoL Feedback Thread

Extremely unimpactful.

I would just make this a passive tbh


Iā€™m kind of wondering why Royal Pardon actually needs to share uses with RE


Mostly to keep it in line with Old Decide Fate

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Royal Pardon will be much more useful now that trials arenā€™t a thing, plus a double voter in general is super strong when there are no trials

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/pre-in for EFoL2 please



You may want to remove the Sheriff and Paladin part

/pre-in for the eFoL as well.

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/pre-in for the EFoL and see if I fall for Iciā€™s AtE again


@Marluxion do you still get results with Eminence of Mithras if you become King?


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you also still get results if you become cult leader

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same as other checks that resolve at EoD

like maid seeker would still get their royal blood check info even if their cl got hung and they become new CL

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I donā€™t like the pull rank change

Itā€™s either that or we remove / replace the ability entirely

and let me tell you, coming up with social day abilities is a nightmare


Why canā€™t he have a 1 use invisible double vote

Also add trials backā„¢

We could make it a passive that goes
ā€œPull Rank (Passive) - Whenever you vote someone else to be king, your vote counts as 2.ā€

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double voting is degenerate on scum with cult alts, so no

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