FoL Feedback Thread

Sam17z alch is bad

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Add trials back

Alch as BD Joat is better

Couldnā€™t have said it better my self

Add unnecessary game pacing breakers back


Trials are just extra work for the host and they encourage sheeping and stall the day

Trials are an integral part of Forum of Lies

no they are not

Town of Salem has trials

letā€™s go Forum of Salem 2 baby

Make it

and just have a game where once majority is reached.

Trial happens forever and the game is canned

alright then.

Iā€™ll host a turbo forum of salem 2

Iā€™m more than sure Sponsor didnā€™t matter in that game. Of course, even without it giving additional votes is broken anyway. An attempt to make Noble less boring? Weeell, we will see.

This can simple be changed to silent double voting, so without trials it will always result in an execution to confirm, similar to bounty actually.

And you always have the excuse ofā€¦ ohh someone must have occupied me or whatever.

Cult alt could be that target player requires one vote less to be executed.

Twi, if the cult have two apostles, they can gain 6 extra votes

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with both pull rank and sponsor


also theyā€™re both confirmable so they have to go :^) bounty is confirmable but itā€™s only confirmable if you kill another BD

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