FoL Feedback Thread

Why don’t you make a “suggestions changes” thread?

No u

I’ll have a decision made in the next like ten minutes

Making a new thread seems completely unnecessarily especially since we actually have in the past talk about what changes we want here.

Those suggestions typically don’t include fully new classes

Fine, suggestions for changes are fine too here.

Me being lazy saves the day once again


Here is one. Let the chronomancer know when she delays an attack. She kinda sucks without a way to know when she can redirect a death


No healer knows when they heal an attack.

It can be used for too much confirmation.

Chronomancer is on a list that we are still arguing over, but changes are due for it.

The point Wazza just brought up about confirmation is extremely important here.

NK is dead.
Let’s just say Chrono warps X, saving them and being notified.
Y was suspected assassin but not executed by the prince, only jailed.

By getting notifications they were able to confirm themselves, X, and Y as not assassin.

The difference is that the Chronomancer needs to know whether they blocked something because their second ability relies on it.


Here’s an alternative.
How about repurposing Distort Reality to redirect all delayed deaths toward a target player?

That’s an unfortunate causality of making it give notifications

brain broke I retract response

Update Idea: All Delayed Deaths you delayed.

Otherwise it’s too op.

New idea

Night Ability 2-Redirect all visitors of any person you have visited with your night ability 1, to your second target.

Honestly chronomancer just doesn’t really work in FoL

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Yep :^)

Since her entire premise requires information in order to work. Her core concept was using delays to setup combos which only works because the delay gives you information that you can then capitalize on to counter attack.

If we can’t give her information then she doesn’t work as a class

Nuke go make a new class

On it

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