FoL Feedback Thread

and night immunity, it isn’t specified. We should move this weak arsonist into a better arsonist that focuses more on dousing tbh. For example. Unlimited marks but getting rid of the kill day ability and replace it with the mark upgrade

I disagree

An arso specialist is probably weak in FoL

But orange I really want one :frowning:

I see ur point but I think it would be cool

maybe we should get a Suicide bomber

Didn’t you shout at me for making it guiltful?

Two new class ideas:

The Firebrand

Blue Dragon Killer
Cuts and Scars (Passive) - You are immune to bleeding.
Fire Thrower (Day) - Set a player on fire, they will die at the end of tonight. - 1 use.
Deathmark (Night) - Deathmark a player. - 3 uses.
Final Burn Out (Night) - Kill all deathmarked players. - 1 use.
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult and any Neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Firebreather or The Acolyte
Cult Points: 2 - Each ability costs 1
(Fire Thrower) Mithras Burn (Day) - Set a player on fire, they will die at the end of the night.- 1 use.
Two Cult Point Alt Ability:
(Deathmark + Final Burn Out) Mithras’ Targets - Deathmark a player and kill all current death marked players. - 1 use.

The Firebreather

Unseen Killer
Cuts and Scars (Passive) - You are immune to bleeding.
Feet of Fire (Day) - If target player attempts to use an action today, they will be prevented from doing so. - 2 uses.
Fire Thrower (Day) - Set a player on fire, they will die at the end of tonight. - 1 use.
Marksman (Night) - Deathmark a player. - 3 uses.
Final Burn Out (Night) - Kill all deathmarked players. - 1 use.
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Should note some things about the class:

  • The Unseen version shares their use abilities with their BD counterpart apart from Fire Thrower.
  • Final Burn Out and it’s counterparts bypass night immunity and can only be stopped by healing.
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suicide bomber is different and I meant about making it a different class

as in

a different class all together than fire brand, keep fire brand but let’s see what type of Killing role we could make a suicide bomber be like

Not really.

1f1 isn’t BD-sided

Yes it is wtf

It’s an interesting concept, but people generally do not like dying. Submit away however.

Knight when it died after guarding a single time was changed

Because people are bad and felt it lacked impact

This was a ToL issue, not a FoL one


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Really making me question him being in charge :thinking:

Knight CS is better than 1f1

Mathematics says no.


Geyde why did you not take the bait

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I think I found a class that solves all our problems