FoL Feedback Thread

Not that I’m aware of. :thinking:



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I didn’t spend 2 years campaigning for alch to be DELETED for Solic to yolo bring it back that’s for sure.


You only spent 2 years campaigning since it was having the goal of survive

At least give it a chance. :confused:

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Aka, I see no argument that this alch should be removed

We actually made the wincon impactful and requiring skill.

You make a good point, but on the other hand



Fuck you feel my pain

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Except for new alch is b a l a n c e d

Fool needs to burn in heck

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me rn

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I did try getting an actually interesting name that didn’t scare people. It didn’t work.

Kill it with Fire.

@Kirefitten you’re the expert at having cat-like creatures being set on fire. Get to it

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How much do you want to bet that if you just use a name other than alch this would have been well received?

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A lot

Alchemist as a name makes sense when it’s a neutral healer in ToL. :slight_smile:

But alchemist used to be a neutral survivor that could kill.
You can see how people are in fear of the very mentioning of that horrid thing.

Uh, problem with the whole Grand Trial thing