FoL Feedback Thread

Knight should probably not lose armor passive if they still have it and their kill fails

Sorc can die to N1 bear
Shouldnt be a thing

Iā€™d be fine adding that as a passive as long as demon gets it as well.
Because both of them can be stopped early by ā€œrando bear xd lulā€

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And seriously speaking NK kill n1 breaks the setup

Iā€™m scared solic has been typing for a really long time

Why does Hunter even have the bypass death immunity clause then? Demon has clear ways to go around it now with either its bleed or an empowered attack.

Because people thought it would be haha cool if bear could kill NK
There really isnā€™t a good reason

Hunter mark would be a cool hunter

like what happened to the hunter rework

3 non-unique BD killers is eeehhh

Thatā€™s not a problem

Archer Can remove death immunity already

Iā€™m running the numbers

This needs to be fixed

About damn time

What about it should be fixed

how tf do we fix it though. I donā€™t see any way to do it without putting Paesive 1,2,3,4 and thatā€™s way too many

Confusing to read

Fairly sure I made 2 moderrors regarding Lich the first time I hosted it. :smile:

Itā€™s a winner from a previous NK competition, so itā€™s hard to fix with basically the fundamentals requiring a lot of description.

Iā€™m aware

It still needs to happen sometime

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