FoL Feedback Thread

Well I have a vendetta against PRs so

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Why do you?

It adds a lot of big brain strategies to the setup

Prince is needed for this game to be balanced

thatā€™s your problem not the setups problem

What!? Thatā€™s not better

I mean in context of Prince being randomly killed early.

Itā€™s far more in the playerā€™s hands if Prince continues living into late game in FoL.

PRs are mad swingy in extreme turbo games.


Ah. I misread what you said


Killing: they can kill Person they jailed
Offensive: they can prevent someones action even if they have occ immunity
Support: they can protect someone And it cant be bypassed by Any attacks
Investigative: can look for killing roles through jail
Social: is easily confirmable And can message players privatly

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SFoL 47.

Thatā€™s all I really need to say.

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Donā€™t let Priest communicate with the dead on daytime.

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Fuse Mystic and Priest.

This is not a joke


They may only talk to the dead during the night.
They should remove themselves from dead chat at the end of every night.

Can we remove priest and add squire

Iā€™m working on that idea with the rest of the team.
Considering basically.

Priest is just another lock for ā€œnon-starting scumā€

I mean mystic is ok since they are basically IC

And adds nothing very mechanically interesting to the game, agree.
Thatā€™s why dead interaction is pointless beyond pointless confirmability


Totally agree with these changes. Priest just had a personal team of BD telling me what to do at all times. Up until N2 I felt like I was pretty much playing vanilla town, since I had no day abilities and I couldnā€™t do anything night 1. Iā€™m not sure what squire does but in totally open to changing priest for the better. Up until the squire things, maybe adding a day ability where they can receive one 1000 character message from a dead person of their choice, would be a nice change due to the loss of the day chat. Make it like a two use ability. Idk maybe that doesnt help the problem but Iā€™m just trying to help


delete priest?