FoL Feedback Thread

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Prince, Priest and Mystic are the only BD uniques. :smile:

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How is Priest much different?

Mystic is self confirming continuously.

Priest is one time self confirming and has some tacked on backup utility.

then make it so priest and spawn and mystic can’t vice versa

unless you just want both of them reworked into non uniques

It’s in our minds at the moment. As are many other changes.

This does limit uniques dansgame

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Mystic: plays role of IC
Priest: doesnt

And why doesn’t it?

just do geyde’s idea with prestige

Because he can use dead ppl abilities

ez pz

delete fool
add Prestige (Passive) - Only 1 class with the Prestige passive can spawn
for both mystic and priest

Role of mystic: be confirmable basically

Priest brings dead players voice so dead interaction is already point of the class not only that but they also have squire mix ability

Mystic is severely more confirmable than Priest is and Mystic also can coordinate with living BD. That’s the difference.

what are u guys trying to do anyway
limit unique classes?

Noble is a way bigger offender of huge confirmability through pull rank and 3 can spawn, so ideas for them are appreciated.

Limit the set of hugely confirmable classes that can spawn together, simultaneously out and break the game.

They are both non-starting scum lock

And let’s be fair it’s close to impossible to fake 24 hour conversation of deadchat when it’s like 6-7 players dead

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