FoL Feedback Thread

On the other hand I suppose that could be intentional

But also like why

Wait why tf did you merge devil with fool

Read it more carefully.

Remove poor fellow and then we should be good.


Why not word it consistently tho

It suicides once it fails its wincon :^)

The point is the wording is awkward and could be more consistent

ā€œYou will commit suicide if you fail your winconā€

ā€œIf more than two other non-BD players are lynched, you will commit suicideā€

That works, or at least ā€œmore than 2ā€

Who thought that merging fool with devil would be a good idea

Pretty much everyone on the FoL team.


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Because Fool was due for some change and Devil is not part of ToL.

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Iā€™m not afraid to stand for that one :slight_smile:

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Thatā€™s real cancer

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Thank you

Gladiating Solic until poor fellow is removed since it wins the game for scum if it procs and exacerbates our problems with how Fool worked prior to the change

Delete priest itā€™s not part of tol

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but nah technically the wincon was Nukeā€™s idea

Wish I could take credit for it but heā€™s way better at role design than I am


And itā€™s cancer