FoL Feedback Thread

That’s the problem

We aren’t ToL

We’re a group of enthusiasts that play multiday games

the fool only sortof works in ToL. It definitely doesn’t work here


And we don’t deserve to have our time wasted as if that wasn’t the case

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Plus anything Fool does something else can do with less drawbacks

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It’s subjective. I like the Hunter

Changing it to being an option rather than the wincon is way more fitting.

ToL fool is very much considered a problem due to how much it does consistently.



Deal with it. We don’t need a jester

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We don’t need a hunter

Yes but Hunter isn’t the cause of any big problems. The fool is

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Hunter causes global warming

Like I said. No big problems

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That’s a big problem

It still snows. Clearly it’s just a conspiracy

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Snow doesn’t exist it’s a myth

Well neither does climate

It does it’s factually proven

Your one of THEM aren’t you